What's New? Quarterly Update: Q2 2023

Here's what's trending in the industry, what's new at SCW, and what content, guides, and resources we created in the last 90 days.

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Trend: Remote Guarding

Don’t just Record Crime - Prevent it!

Another big trend in 2023 has been the shift to having someone else monitor your cameras during the hours that your business is closed. Remote Guarding is a hybrid monitoring system where your team monitors the camera system while you are open and then outsources the monitoring while you are closed.

What's driving the market to adopt after hours monitoring?

Much Cheaper than a Night Guard's Salary

Managers/Owners Don't Love Getting Woken Up a Night

Retail and Catalytic Converter Theft Crime Waves

Reduce Crime. Faster Police Dispatch

How Remote Guarding Works

You tell us when you are closed and that you want to outsource monitoring. So for example, 7pm to 7am every weekday and all day Saturday - Sunday.

During this time frame, a professional monitoring station will monitor your cameras for alerts, and a real human will assess the threat and monitor the scene. If there’s a threat, they can respond by calling police, calling you, using the camera's speaker (if it has one), to tell potential criminals they are being watched and the police are coming, or even notifying your on premise guards. The response is customizable to fit your unique needs.

You still manage the system during operation hours.

Remote Guarding Pricing

Pricing is custom and based on the number of cameras, locations, and duration monitored, but for someone with the above schedule that would breaks down to about 33 cents per hour per camera.

In the above scenario, you would be looking at 100-300K in salary (depending on location cost of living) for the two and half night guards it would take to cover the 108 hours that the business is closed.

Remote Guarding is extremely cost effective.


Richmond County School District discussed how improved resolution increased campus visibility and decreased injuries and disciplinary issues at 16 separate campuses.


Del Norte County School District needed to modernize their security cameras with a dual retention backup policy at 12 separate campuses to help protect students, staff, and faculty.


Woodgrain discussed how the Covid related spike in luber prices lead to an increase in crime, and how they sought out SCW to help.


Parkway Ford discussed how SCW helped them reduce vandalism, lower liability risk, manage employees, and reduce vehicle theft.


KO Storage discussed how SCW helped them unify their security platform to streamline access for both on-site teams and corporate management.


Seamen's Bank upgraded from analog cameras to a modern, digital, security platform that unifies their security across multiple locations.


AFG Distribution brought SCW into their new distribution center construction to get coverage for the entire interior of the facility, exterior access control, and a communication system to assist drivers at the gate.