Hey folks, thought we give an update about the current status of the store. We have been trying to figure out the best layout for our menus, and security camera pictures. Also we have implemented a new shopping cart system, where you also have an account login to check up on previous orders and old invoices. In the heart of the store you can also see and keep track of what is in your shopping cart, we made a section for it on the right hand side of the page.  Now as for the page updates, we have lots to update and change, so if you land on one page from a search engine or link and it looks different than the home page then that meanswe are still programming it. Transitions are tough but eventually  they get done. So if you are afraid of the sudden changes, now you know why and what is going on. Lastly, you cannot buy anything right now. We are awaiting our SSL certificates from GEO Trust so that we have a secure checkout process. We hope to have that ready soon. Till then, browse the site and look at all the great cameras we have and remember to call us first!